London Trip 2019_20 Arriving in London
They call these flights 'Long Haul' and it certainly felt like it. I'd forgotten about my Anti Jet Lag spray being in my carry-on and so never used it. Would've it have helped, and I was feeling jaded when we arrived and wanted a straight forward run through Customs and onto our booked Uber taxi. Well going through Customs went fairly well but, where was our taxi driver. Constantly moving around to see if our names were on any of boards being held up by pick up people. Finally got a coffee at the Costa right by the Arrivals gate and a seat with our bags around our feet, while we tried to get on Wi_Fi to get through to Jeantine. Barb finally managed to get hold of Jeantine (using roaming on her home 2Degrees account) and it turns the driver said he couldn't find us and went home. Jeantine chased up Uber to get another driver activated and finally we had a driver and were able to our weary souls out of Heathrow and heading toward Jeantine's apartment. But there was a road closure at the nearby Brownwood Road, that the driver could've avoided but he did a U-turn and took us around the back of the apartment block, into a little dead end road to drop us off. I recognised the pathway from there and said that was fine and wheeled our suitcases down the sloping path to beside Jeantine's apartment and short walk on the main 'Green Lanes' road to push the button for Jeantine to let us in.
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